Guoqiang Yu, Ph.D.

Center for Biomedical Engineering
Wenner-Gren Research Lab
University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY 40506-0070

Tel: 859-257-9110 Fax: 859-257-1856



Dept. of Biomedical Engineering and Instrumentation, Tianjin University of China, Tianjin, China

·       Ph.D. of Biomedical Engineering                                                                                              -2000


Center for Biomedical Engineering, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, USA

·       Assistant Professor                                                                                                                2007-


Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA

·       Research Assistant Professor                                                                                               2006-2007

·       Senior Research Investigator                                                                                                 2004-2006

·       Research Associate                                                                                                               2002-2004


Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Braunschweig, Germany

·       Research Scientist                                                                                                      1999-2001


Center for Biomedical Engineering, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, USA

·       BME 501: Foundations of Biomedical Engineering

·       BME 530: Biomedical Instrumentation




·       America Heart Association (AHA) BGIA #2350015                                                   7/1/2009-6/30/2011

A Portable Optical Flow-Oximeter for Assessment of Cerebral Hemodynamics and Metabolism during Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)

To develop a high-throughput, portable, and easy-to-use optical device for simultaneous monitoring multiple cerebral physiological parameters (e.g., cerebral blood flow, oxygenation, and oxygen metabolism) during sleep in patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).

Role: PI

·       R21-PA-08-162 (NIH)                                                                                                  9/15/2009-8/31/2011  

Contribution of Altered Muscle Hemodynamics to Fatigability in Older Persons with and without Fibromyalgia

To identify defects in muscle physiology of older fibromyalgia (FM) patients, as well as older healthy but fatigable individuals, which may contribute to this symptom.

Role: Co-Investigator



·       R21-HL083225 (NIH)                                                                                                   2/15/2006-1/30/2010

Assessment of Muscle Vascular Disease with Diffuse Light

To provide multiple hemodynamic parameters for evaluation of microcirculation and tissue metabolism in the patients with varying degrees of claudication and chronic limb ischemia (CCLI).

Role: PI

·       America Heart Association BGIA #0665446U                                                            7/1/2006-6/30/2009

Diffuse Optical Mapping Of Blood Flow, Oxygenation, and Metabolism in Ischemic Skeletal Muscle

To develop and utilize noninvasive hybrid optical instruments for simultaneous and continuous regional mapping of blood flow, oxygenation and metabolism in ischemic skeletal muscles.  These measurements will provide information for classification and localization of ischemic tissue and for the evaluation of revascularization outcomes.

Role: PI

·       New Investigator Award (W81XWH-04-1-0006)                                                       2/1/2004-1/31/2007

Department of Defense (DOD)

Real-time Diffuse Optical Measurement for In-vivo PDT Dosimetry of Human Prostate

To develop a new way to measure photosensitizer concentration, blood oxygen, and blood flow in cancer tissues during photodynamic therapy (PDT) in order to improve treatment effect.

Role: PI

·       R01-HL-077699-01 (NIH)                                                                                            9/1/2004-8/31/2008

Diffuse Light Imaging of Flow, Oxygen & Brain Metabolism

To construct and use a versatile all-optical imaging probe for measurement of blood oxygenation, blood flow, the cerebral metabolic rate for oxygen extraction (CMRO2) in human brain.

Role: Co-Investigator

·       NIH-R21-EB007610-01 (NIH)                                                                                       8/1/2007-7/31/2009          

Absolute Measurement of Cerebral Blood Flow Using Diffuse Optics

To develop and validate optical methods for non-invasive measurement of absolute cerebral blood flow.

Role: Co-Investigator

·       Upenn Abramson Cancer Center Collaborative Pilot Project                           7/1/2005-6/30/2006

Real-time Diffuse Optical Measurement for Dosimetry During Photofrin Pleural Photodynamic Therapy

To develop a new way to measure photosensitizer concentration, blood oxygen, and blood flow in pleural tissues during photodynamic therapy.

Role: Co-Investigator

PATENT (pending): United States Patent Application No. 11/106390

Title: Optical Measurement of Tissue Blood Flow Hemodynamics and Oxygenation


·       Section co-chair, Multimodal Biomedical Imaging V, SPIE Photonics West (San Francisco, CA, Jan. 2010)

·       Second Place Winner (out of 45+ international competitors) of Young Investigators Awards Competition in 17th Annual Meeting of the Society of Vascular Medicine and Biology (SVMB, Philadelphia, PA, June 2006)

·       Best Poster Award (out of 80+ posters) in the Institute For Medicine AND Engineering (IME) Interdisciplinary Research Symposium 2004 (University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, Dec. 2004)

·       Second Place Winner (out of 45+ international competitors) of Young Investigators Awards Competition in 15th annual meeting of the Society of Vascular Medicine and Biology (SVMB, Anaheim, CA, June 2004)



Journal of Biomedical Optics, Optics Letters, Applied Optics, Optics Express, Journal of Electronic Imaging, Medical Physics, Journal of Neoplasia, Transactions on Medical Imaging (IEEE), Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, CardioVscular & Interventional Radiology, BioMedical Engineering OnLine, Journal of Applied Physiology, Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences, Journal of Modern Optics, Optical Engineering


Optical Society of American (OSA), The International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE), American Society of Photobiology (ASP), Society of Vascular Medicine and Biology (SVMB), American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), Biomedical Engineering Society




Peer-reviewed Articles in Journals:       

·       Y. Shang, Y. Zhao, R. Cheng, L. Dong, D. Irwin, and G. Yu, “Portable optical tissue flow oximeter based on diffuse correlation spectroscopy,” Opt Lett 34(22), 3556-3558 (2009)

·       T. Durduran, C. Zhou, L. E. Brian, G. Yu, R. Choe, M. N. Kim, B. L. Cucchiara, M. E. Putt, Q. Shah, S. E. Kasner, J. H. Greenberg, A. G. Yodh, and J. A. Detre, "Transcranial optical monitoring of cerebral blood flow and hemoglobin concentration in acute stroke patients during positional interventions," Annals of Neurology, Optics Express 17(5):3884-3902 (2009)

·       M. Buckley, N. M. Cook, T. Durduran, M. N. Kim, C. Zhou, R. Choe, G. Yu, S. Schultz, C. M. Sehgal, D. J. Licht, P. H. Arger, M. E. Putt, H. H. Hurt, and A. G. Yodh. “Cerebral hemodynamics in preterm infants during positional intervention measured with diffuse correlation spectroscopy and transcranial doppler ultrasound,” Optics Express, 17(15):12571-12581 (2009)

·       C. Zhou, T. Shimazu, T. Durduran, J. Luckl, D. Y. Kimberg, G. Yu, X. H. Chen, J. A. Detre, A. G. Yodh and J. H. Greenberg, "Acute functional recovery of cerebral blood flow after forebrain ischemia in rat," J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 28(7), 1275-1284 (2008)

·       G. Yu, T. F. Floyd, T. Durduran, C. Zhou, J. A. Detre, A. G. Yodh, “Diffuse Correlation Spectroscopy for Muscle Blood Flow: Validation with Arterial-Spin-Labeling Perfusion MRI,” Optics Express, 15:1064-1075, 2007

·       U. Sunar, S. Makonnen, C. Zhou, T. Durduran, G. Yu, H. W. Wang, W. M. Lee and A. G. Yodh, "Hemodynamic responses to antivascular therapy and ionizing radiation assessed by diffuse optical spectroscopies," Optics Express 15(23), 15507-15516 (2007)

·       C. Zhou, R. Choe, N. Shah, T. Durduran, G. Yu, A. Durkin, D. Hsiang, R. Mehta, J. Butler, A. Cerussi, B. J. Tromberg and A. G. Yodh, "Diffuse optical monitoring of blood flow and oxygenation in human breast cancer during early stages of neoadjuvant chemotherapy," J Biomed Opt 12(5), 051903 (2007)

·       C. Zhou, G. Yu, D. Furuya, J. A. Detre, J. H. Greenberg, A. G. Yodh and T. Durduran, "Diffuse optical correlation tomography of cerebral blood flow during cortical spreading depression in rat brain," Optics Express 24(3), 1125-1144 (2006)

·       G. Yu, T. Durduran, C. Zhou, T. C. Zhu, J. C. Finlay, T. M. Busch, S. B. Malkowicz, S. M. Hahn and A. G. Yodh, "Real-time in situ monitoring of human prostate photodynamic therapy with diffuse light," Photochem Photobiol 82(5), 1279-1284 (2006)

·       U. Sunar, H. Quon, T. Durduran, J. Zhang, J. Du, C. Zhou, G. Yu, R. Choe, A. Kilger, R. Lustig, L. Loevner, S. Nioka, B. Chance and A. G. Yodh, "Noninvasive diffuse optical measurement of blood flow and blood oxygenation for monitoring radiation therapy in patients with head and neck tumors: a pilot study," J Biomed Opt 11(6), 064021 (2006)

·       K. L. Du, R. Mick, T. M. Busch, T. C. Zhu, J. C. Finlay, G. Yu, A. G. Yodh, S. B. Malkowicz, D. Smith, R. Whittington, D. Stripp and S. M. Hahn, "Preliminary results of interstitial motexafin lutetium-mediated PDT for prostate cancer," Lasers Surg Med 38(5), 427-434 (2006)

·       G. Yu, T. Durduran, C. Zhou, H. W. Wang, M. E. Putt, H. M. Saunders, C. M. Sehgal, E. Glatstein, A. G. Yodh and T. M. Busch, "Noninvasive monitoring of murine tumor blood flow during and after photodynamic therapy provides early assessment of therapeutic efficacy," Clin Cancer Res 11(9), 3543-3552 (2005)

·       G. Yu, T. Durduran, G. Lech, C. Zhou, B. Chance, E. R. Mohler, 3rd and A. G. Yodh, "Time-dependent blood flow and oxygenation in human skeletal muscles measured with noninvasive near-infrared diffuse optical spectroscopies," J Biomed Opt 10(2), 024027 (2005)

·       T. Durduran, R. Choe, G. Yu, C. Zhou, J. C. Tchou, B. J. Czerniecki and A. G. Yodh, "Diffuse optical measurement of blood flow in breast tumors," Opt Lett 30(21), 2915-2917 (2005)

·       T. Durduran, G. Yu, M. G. Burnett, J. A. Detre, J. H. Greenberg, J. Wang, C. Zhou and A. G. Yodh, "Diffuse optical measurement of blood flow, blood oxygenation, and metabolism in a human brain during sensorimotor cortex activation," Opt Lett 29(15), 1766-1768 (2004)

·       T. Durduran, M. G. Burnett, G. Yu, C. Zhou, D. Furuya, A. G. Yodh, J. A. Detre and J. H. Greenberg, "Spatiotemporal quantification of cerebral blood flow during functional activation in rat somatosensory cortex using laser-speckle flowmetry," J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 24(5), 518-525 (2004)

·       G. Yu, T. Durduran, D. Furuya, J. H. Greenberg and A. G. Yodh, "Frequency-domain multiplexing system for in vivo diffuse light measurements of rapid cerebral hemodynamics," Appl Opt 42(16), 2931-2939 (2003)

·       R. Choe, T. Durduran, G. Yu, M. J. Nijland, B. Chance, A. G. Yodh and N. Ramanujam, "Transabdominal near infrared oximetry of hypoxic stress in fetal sheep brain in utero," Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 100(22), 12950-12954 (2003)

·       G. Yu, Y. Y. Li, Q.  and X. Hu, "Dynamics models in sclerostomy and in sclerostomy with Iridotomy," Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering 21(3), 275-281 (2002)

·       K. Hasche, K. Herrmann, W. Mirande, R. Deemann, L. Vitushkin, M. Xu and G. Yu, "Calibrated scanning force microscope with capabilities in the subnanometre range," Surface and Interface Analysis 33(2), 71-74 (2002)

·       Q. Yu, G. Yu and X. Hu, "Optimization of pulsed CO2 laser sclerostomy," Journal of Tianjin University (Science and Technology) 34(2), 193-197 (2001)

·       G. Yu, A. Liu, G. Zhang and X. Hu, "Thermal physical property measurement using plane-heat source with constant heat rate," Journal of Apparatus and Instruments 21(1), 113-115 (2000)

·       G. Yu, A. Liu and X. Hu, "Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) system with atomic micropositioning " Aviation Precision Manufacturing Technology 35(1), 35-37 (1999)

·       G. Yu, X. Hu and A. Liu, "Nanometer scale positioning control and nanofabrication," Journal of Tianjin University (Science and Technology) 32(3), 308-311 (1999)

·       A. Liu, G. Yu, Y. Yang and X. Hu, "Image reconstruction for scanning tunneling microscopy (STM)," Journal of Chinese Electron Microscopy Society 18(1), 115-118 (1999)

·       D. Li and G. Yu, "Multi-channel real-time monitoring system of environmental protecting equipments," Monitoring Technique 18(2), 19-22 (1999)

·       X. Hu, G. Yu, A. Liu and Y. Yang, "3D monolithic ultra-micropositioning system," Journal of Chinese Electron Microscopy Society 18(1), 141-144 (1999)

·       G. Yu, A. Liu, G. Zhang and X. Hu, "Thermal physical property measurement using hot-line source with constant heat rate.," Aviation Precision Manufacturing Technology 34(6), 39-41 (1998)

·       G. Yu and D. Li, "Real-time monitoring of environmental protecting equipments," Electronics and Automation 27(4), 8-11 (1998)

·       A. Liu, G. Yu, P. Qi and X. Hu, "Positioning errors of the scanning probe microscopy (SPM) scanner," Aviation Precision Manufacturing Technology 34(4), 33-35 (1998)


Invited Talks in Academic Seminars/Courses/Conferences:

·       Near-Infrared Diffuse Optical Technologies for Cancer Research, UK HOBMT Grand Rounds, Markey Cancer Center, University of Kentucky (Lexington, KY, March 2008)

·       Diffuse Optical Quantification of Tissue Blood Flow, Oxygenation and Metabolism in Brain and Muscle, UK Neurology Grand Rounds, University of Kentucky (Lexington, KY, March. 2008)

·       Diffuse Optical Quantification of Tissue Blood Flow, Oxygenation and Metabolism in Brain and Muscle, UK Pediatrics Research Group Meeting, University of Kentucky (Lexington, KY, Apr. 2008)

·       Diffuse Optical Spectroscopy and Tomography of Tissue Hemodynamics, UK Symposia on Advanced Medical Imaging, University of Kentucky (Lexington, KY, June 2008)

·       Near-infrared Diffuse Optical Measurement of Tissue Blood Flow, Oxygenation and Metabolism, UK Clinical and Translational course (BSC772), CTS Fall Seminar Serial Grand Rounds, University of Kentucky (Lexington, KY, Aug. 2008).   


Selected Presentations/Publications in Conferences/Proceedings:

-- 2010 --

·       G. Yu, Y Shang, Y. Zhao, R. Cheng, L. Dong, I. Daniel, and S. P. Saha, “Portable Optical Tissue Flow Oximeter for Evaluation of Revascularization Effect on Ischemic Muscle Hemodynamics,” OSA Biomedical Optics (BIOMED), Miami, FL, 2010

·       R. Cheng, Y. Shang, D. Kameny, D. Hayes Jr, and G. Yu, “Noninvasive Optical Evaluation of Cerebral Autoregulation in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea,” OSA Biomedical Optics (BIOMED), Miami, FL, 2010

·       Y. Shang, R. Cheng, L. Dong, S. P. Saha, and G. Yu,Diffuse Optical Detection of Cerebral Ischemia During Carotid Endarterectomy,” OSA Biomedical Optics (BIOMED), Miami, FL, 2010

·       Y. Shang, Y. Zhao, R. Cheng, L. Dong, D. Irwin, K. R. Swartz, S. S. Salles, and G. Yu, “Diffuse Optical Spectroscopies for Evaluation of Muscle Hemodynamic Enchantments by Electrical Stimulation,” OSA Biomedical Optics (BIOMED), Miami, FL, 2010

                                                                                    -- 2009 --

-- 2008 --

·       G. Yu, Diffuse Light Assessment of Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD), 3rd Annual Clinical and Translational Science Spring Conference, Poster Section (University of Kentucky, June 2008)

-- 2007 --

-- 2006 --

·       G. Yu, T. Durduran, C. Zhou, G. M. Lech, E. R. Mohler III, A. G. Yodh, Assessment of Muscle Vascular Disease with Diffuse Light, in World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering 2006 (Seoul, Korea, 2006)

·       G. Yu, T. Durduran, C. Zhou, J. C. Finlay, T. C. Zhu, T. M. Busch, S. B. Malkowicz, S. M. Hahn, A. G. Yodh, Real-Time Diffuse Optical Measurements of Hemodynamic Responese to PDT in Human Prostate, in World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering 2006 (Seoul, Korea, 2006)

·       G. Yu, T. Durduran, C. Zhou, G. M. Lech, E. R. Mohler III, A. G. Yodh,  Diffuse Light Quantification of Blood Flow, Oxygenation and Metabolism in Human Skeletal Muscle, in American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) (Denver, CO, 2006)

·       G. Yu, Turgut Durduran, Chao Zhou, Jarod C. Finlay, Timothy C. Zhu, Theresa M. Busch, S. Bruce Malkowicz, Stephen M. Hahn, Arjun G. Yodh, Diffuse Optical Measurements of Tissue Blood Flow and Oxygenation during Interstitial Prostate PDT, in OSA Biomedical Optics (Fort Lauderdale, FL, 2006)

·       G. Yu, T. Durduran, C. Zhou, G. Lech, E. R. Mohler III, A. G. Yodh, Assessment of Muscle Vascular Disease with Diffuse Light, in OSA Biomedical Optics (Fort Lauderdale, FL, 2006)

·       T. Durduran, G. Yu, M. G. Burnett, C. Zhou, J. J. Wang, Q. Shah, S. Kasner, J. A. Detre, A. G. Yodh, J. H. Greenberg, Diffuse Optical Measurement of Cerebral Metabolic Rate of Oxygen In Adult Brain, in World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering 2006 (Seoul, Korea, 2006)

·       C. Zhou, T. Durduran, G. Yu, S. Eucker, S. Friess, R. Ichor, S. Margulies, A. G. Yodh, Diffuse Optical Monitoring of Hemodynamic Changes in Piglet Brain with Head Trauma Injury, in World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering 2006 (Seoul, Korea, 2006)

·       T. Durduran, C. Zhou, G. Yu, A. M. Hoang, K. Z. Tang, J. A. Detre, J. H. Greenberg, A. G. Yodh, Diffuse Optical Measurement of Local Cerebral Blood Flow, Blood Oxygenation and Metabolism During Cognitive Tasks, 12th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (Florence, Italy, 2006)

·       C. Zhou, T. Durduran, G. Yu, S. Eucker, S. Friess, R. Ichord, S. Margulies, A. G. Yodh, Real-Time Monitoring of Hemodynamic Changes in Neonatal Pig Brain with Head Trauma Injury, in OSA Biomedical Optics (Fort Lauderdale, FL, 2006)

·       R. Choe, C. Zhou, T. Durduran, G. Yu, N. Shah, A. Durkin, A. Cerussi, B. J. Tromberg, A. G. Yodh, Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Monitoring with Diffuse Optical Measurement of Blood Flow in Breast Tumors, in OSA Biomedical Optics (Fort Lauderdale, FL, 2006)

·       Zhou C, Durduran T, Szabados T, Yu G, Choe R, Xing X, Greenberg JH, Durian, DJ and Yodh, AG, Noise Model for Laser Speckle Contrast Imaging, in OSA Biomedical Optics (Fort Lauderdale, FL, 2006)

·       U. Sunar, C. Zhou, T. Durduran, G. Yu, A. G. Yodh, I. Lee, Ranpirnase Enhances Efficacy of Radiation on {A549} Human Lung Cancer Xenografts of Nude Mice Assessed by Diffuse Optical Spectroscopies, in OSA Biomedical Optics (Fort Lauderdale, FL, 2006)

·       A. Sunar, H. Quon, J. Zhang, J. Du, T. Durduran, C. Zhou, G. Yu, A. Kilger, R. Lustig, L. Loevner, S. Nioka, B. Chance, A. G. Yodh, Changes in Optical Blood Flow and Oxygenation of Head and Neck Tumors During Chemo-Radiation Therapy, in OSA Biomedical Optics (Fort Lauderdale, FL, 2006)

·       U. Sunar, S. Makonnen, H. W. Wang, T. Durduran, C. Zhou, G. Yu, I. Lee, A. G. Yodh, Non-Invasive, Continuous Monitoring of a Vascular Targeting Drug by Diffuse Optical Blood Flow and Blood Oxygenation Measurements, in OSA Biomedical Optics (Fort Lauderdale, FL, 2006)

·       C. Zhou, T. Durduran, T. Szabados, O. Pascual, G. Yu, A. G. Yodh, P. G. Haydon, J. H. Greenberg, Optical Imaging of Cerebral Hemodynamic Response during Vibrissae Stimulation in Transgenic Mice Stroke Models, (Cortona, Italy, 2006)

-- 2005 --

·       G. Yu, T. Durduran, C. Zhou, G. Lech, E. R. Mohler III, A. G. Yodh, Assessment of Muscle Vascular Disease with Diffuse Light, in 2005 Workshop on Investigation of Human Muscle Function In Vivo (Nashville, Tennessee, 2005)

·       G. Yu, T. F. Floyd, J. M. Murphy, T. Durduran, C. Zhou, A. G. Yodh, Concurrent Optical-MRI Measurement of Limb Blood Flow/Perfusion, in 2005 Workshop on Investigation of Human Muscle Function In Vivo (Nashville, Tennessee, 2005)

·       G. Yu, E. R. III Mohler, T. Durduran, C. Zhou, G. Lech, A. G. Yodh. Simultaneous Quantification of Pulmonary and Leg Muscle VO2 during Maximal Exercise in Humans, in 2005 Workshop on Investigation of Human Muscle Function In Vivo (Nashville, Tennessee, 2005)

·       G. Yu, E. R. III Mohler, T. Durduran, C. Zhou, G. Lech, A. G. Yodh. Simultaneous Quantification of Pulmonary and Leg Muscle VO2 during Maximal Exercise in Humans, in Society For Vascular Medicine and Biology (Chicago, 2005)

·       T. Durduran, G. Yu, C. Zhou, D. Furuya, J. P. Culver, A. G. Yodh, J. H. Greenberg, Development of Diffuse Correlation Techniques for Non-Invasive Measurement of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism in Rats, BRAIN 05, International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism (Amsterdam, NL, 2005)

·       T. Durduran, G. Yu, M. G. Burnett, C. Zhou, J. J. Wang, J. A. Detre, A. G. Yodh, J. H. Greenberg, Diffuse Optical Measurement of Cerebral Metabolic Rate of Oxygen in Adult Brain, BRAIN 05, International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism (Amsterdam, NL, 2005)

·       U. Sunar, H. Quan, J. Zhang, J. Du, T. Durduran, C. Zhou, G. Yu, A. Kilger, R. Lustig, L. Loevner, S. Nioka, A. G. Yodh, B. Chance, Monitoring of Radiation Therapy Response of Head and Neck Tumors by Non-invasive Optical Blood Flow Measurements, in European Conferences on Biomedical Optics, OSA (Munich, Germany, 2005)

-- 2004 --

·       G. Yu, T. Durduran, G. Lech, C. Zhou, B. Chance, E. R. Mohler, A. G. Yodh, Time-dependent Blood Flow and Oxygenation in Human Skeletal Muscles Measured with Noninvasive Near-infrared Diffuse Optical Spectroscopies, in the Institute For Medicine AND Engineering (IME) Interdisciplinary Research Symposium 2004 (University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, 2004)

·       G. Yu, T. Durduran, C. Zhou, H.W. Wang, M. Putt, A. G. Yodh, T. M. Busch, Noninvasive Monitoring of Murine Tumor Blood Flow During and After Photodynamic Therapy Provides Early Assessment of Therapeutic Efficacy, in the Institute For Medicine AND Engineering (IME) Interdisciplinary Research Symposium 2004 (University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, 2004)

·       G. Yu, T. Durduran, C. Zhou, F. Jarod, T. Zhu, S. J. Hahn, A. G. Yodh, Real-time Diffuse Optical Measurement of Hemodynamic Responses  to PDT in Human Prostate, in the Institute For Medicine AND Engineering (IME) Interdisciplinary Research Symposium 2004 (University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, 2004)

·       G. Yu, T. Durduran, C. Zhou, H. W. Wang, M. Putt, T. M. Busch, A. G. Yodh, Noninvasive Monitoring of Murine Tumor Blood Flow During and After Photodynamic Therapy Provides Early Assessment of Therapeutic Efficacy, in International Conference on Tumor Progression and Therapeutic Resistance (Philadelphia, PA, 2004)

-- 2003 --

-- 2002 & 2001--

·       J. H. Greenberg, D. Furuya, T. Durduran, G. Yu, J. A. Detre, A. G. Yodh, The Effect of Carbon Dioxide on the Hemodynamic and Metabolic Response to Cortical Spreading Depression, in Program No. 581.9, Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner (Washington DC: Society for Neuroscience, 2002)

·       T. Durduran, G. Yu, D. Furuya, J. H. Greenberg, A. G. Yodh, In Vivo Measurements of Rat Brain hemodynamics using Diffuse Optical Tomography and Diffuse Correlation Spectroscopy, in Chalk-Talk Series, Institute of Medicine and Engineering, University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA, 2001)